RS Thomas Real Estate


Why is it so attractive to live in Andorra?
Aug 21, 2024

Why is it so attractive to live in Andorra?

Andorra, located in the Pyrenees, is a country that offers an exceptional quality of life and one of the highest life expectancies in the world. Why is it so attractive to live here? Next, we will explore the reasons:

1. Life Expectancy

Andorra is among the top three countries with the highest life expectancy, only surpassed by Spain and Japan. The average lifespan in Andorra is 83.5 years1. Factors such as the excellent healthcare system, clean air and tranquil surroundings contribute to this longevity.

2. Natural Environment and Pure Air

Andorra's mountainous landscape offers fresh, clean air. More than 90% of the time, the air quality is excellent. In addition, the natural environment encourages the practice of outdoor sports, such as hiking, skiing and cycling.

3. Citizen Security

Andorra is one of the safest countries in the world. Its low crime rate and the feeling of security at any time of the day contribute to the well-being of its inhabitants.

4. Favorable Tax System

Andorra offers tax advantages, which attracts investors and entrepreneurs. The economic model and low taxes make setting up a business here beneficial.

5. Proximity to Spain and France

Andorra is strategically located between Spain and France. Traveling to both countries is easy, making it easy to connect with other cultures and opportunities.

In short, living in Andorra means enjoying a healthy environment, security, an excellent quality of life and tax benefits. If you are looking for a place where nature and well-being come together, Andorra is an excellent choice.
